Waiting on God | 4 ways to wait on God when making a decision

Do you need to make a decision and want God’s help? Are you waiting on God for answers? Are there circumstances in your life that leave you stuck, concerned and unsure of what to do next? 🤔 Let's discuss!

This message discusses the common thread of waiting on God’s will in three areas of our lives: decision-making, fear, and need.

Making major decisions can be stressful, but seeking guidance from scripture, counsel, and signs from God can help.

God promises to guide us if we seek His wisdom. Seeking counsel from others who have been in similar situations can provide guidance, even from those who do not believe in God. Signs from God, such as open or closed doors or breadcrumbs on a path, can help guide us towards the correct path.

Ultimately, seeking to do God’s will in all circumstances can ensure that we are aligned with His plans for us. The speaker shares a personal experience of making a decision about two job opportunities, and how seeking God’s will and receiving a sign helped guide them towards the correct path.

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We put our trust in God.  We are told to have faith and believe. This can sound very simple when it comes as advice from someone else, but can seem very daunting if you are the one doing the waiting.

This article is the first in a 3 part series where we are going to talk about 3 ways we find ourselves Waiting on God.

Let’s review the areas we plan to discuss.

  1. When making a decision – Waiting on God to know what we should decide.
  2. Waiting out of fear – Waiting to act when we are afraid. In other words, Waiting on God for the greenlight. 
  3. Waiting on a need – When we find ourselves Waiting on God for a resolution or an answer to a prayer.

What I will share across all of these messages is that there is a common thread in each of these circumstances – God’s Will.  We will go more into that a bit later.

In each of these articles, I’d also like to share a personal experience on what waiting on God looked like for me. 

In this article, we are going to talk a bit about Waiting on God to help us know what we should decide. Here are some examples of decisions we may need to make.  

Should I leave this job or should I stay?  Should I move to a new town or should I not?  Should I stay in this relationship or should I go?  Should I buy this house or that house?

Often these types of decisions are wrought with stress because of the nature of them being such life altering choices.  We don’t want to make the wrong decision.  Right?  We can sincerely desire to make the right decision and it can be challenging at times as to how to incorporate our faith within our decision process.

I’d like to give you an example from my walk with God.

In recent years, I was working at a job I really enjoyed.  I was paid well and company had a great culture. I enjoyed the people I worked with and there were many opportunities to grow. I saw myself working there for a long time, but my work did not align with my passions.  Out of the blue I had 2 new job opportunities that seemed like dream jobs.  One was a job moving into one of the largest companies in the world making more compensation than I would have ever had in my career.  Another was a job in a small company that had a mission very aligned with my passions and my career goals.

Both of these new jobs would have been a move upwards – either a huge jump in compensation or a move to working on a mission that my heart feels truly passionate about.

One decision I needed to make was should I stay where I was or should I go.  I reasoned that either of these decisions seemed to be aligned to an answer to a prayer, so I decided without much stress that either job was indeed a blessing.  Once I made the decision that either of these opportunities would allow me to grow, the next decision was which job should I aim for – an absurd amount of compensation or being passionate about my day to day work.

I did not know what the correct answer was, but what I would learn is that if I seek to do God’s will at each and every step, I will be guided to the correct path.  More on what happened in a bit.

I did not know what the correct answer was, but what I would learn is that if I seek to do God’s will at each and every step, I will be guided to the correct path.

So let’s dive into some ways you can navigate making a decision while Waiting on God.  Let’s discuss 4 ways.

#1 Pray for those who stand against you

Scripture includes numerous references to the promise of guidance. God has promised us that if we seek His guidance it will be given. 

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

-- James 1:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

-- Proverbs 3:5

#2 Seek guidance from counsel

Often, God may provide guidance by using others in your life.  When facing a major decision, it can be useful to seek counsel from others who may have been in a similar circumstance as you.  It is also important to seek counsel with those who are like minded in knowing that God will lead, guide and direct all parties in circumstances of a decision.  God may even guide you with wisdom from counsel who do not believe in Him!  God may use others in your life who have “been there done that” and sprinkle wisdom from His’ Word to equip you in ways that you had not even considered.

#3 Seek signs from God

Just as God can use others to provide you with counsel He can also provide us with signs.  We can ask God to reveal to us in the world signs to move left or right, stop or go..  What is important about this approach is that we still must move, because we are moving in faith.  What do I mean by this?

I mean that we must not remain still and expect to see a sign, we must move in the way we feel is reasonable and logical, trusting that our movement will be course corrected as we move. If a sailboat has no sails it will remain idle in the water.  If its sails are up, the wind can move it.  In our case, if we keep our hearts and minds closed up, we may not be in a position to come across the signs that are meant to lead us.  (more on this later in our series) 

If we keep our hearts and minds open to God’s leading He will be faithful in providing signs.. for us to follow that will give us the guidance we need.  For example, opening and closing of doors or signs that appear as breadcrumbs on a path.

Remember that story I mentioned a bit earlier about me deciding between a job with money and a job with passion? I kept my heart focused on the Lord through that entire ordeal, asking Him to show me His will.  One day in the middle of an interview for the job with money, I felt as though I received a sense in my spirit that while this job may be more money than I know what to do with – something does not sit right.  

If we keep our hearts and minds open to God’s leading He will be faithful in providing signs..

After the interview was over,  I asked God (out loud as a matter of fact) to give me a sign. I asked Him if my hesitation about the money job was valid and if the other job opportunity was where He would like me to focus.

I asked Him to have the 2nd job opportunity, the one that I felt was aligned with my passions to  contact me and check on me if His will was for me to join their company (I must explain – there was no reason whatsoever for them to reach out to me on that day – they were waiting on me as my interview with them had already passed many weeks ago).  Lo and behold, within an hour or so – the other company reached out to check on me.  I do believe to this day that was God giving me a sign to go in that direction and not the other.  I received a sign  in my spirit and in physical form to guide me to the right path.

What happened? To this very day, I am still in that job which is aligned with my passions and  is truly a dream job in my career and an amazing blessing.  On top of that, God is using me there in ways I would have never imagined to be an ambassador of His light for others as well.

#4 Seek to do God’s will

Ultimately, what I found to be the common thread in all circumstances of waiting is to seek God’s Will.  In this case, asking God to show you His will in a decision that you need to make can ensure that whatever the outcome – you are aligned with His perfected plans for you.

Often, we can get turned around when we put ourselves first to consider reasoning around a decision.  What do I want out of this decision? 

Giving our decision to God, however, moving forward in what would be reasonable and having faith that you will receive signs to course correct as you go – will direct us to an outcome that is aligned for His plan for you.

In this article I shared 4 ways you can Wait on God when making a decision.

In the next article in the series we will talk about how fear can manifest in our lives when Waiting on God.

Please remember that you are never alone when making a decision. God’s promise to you is that He is with you and will provide you with the wisdom and discernment you need in every decision great and small. 

Bless you


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