Don’t Trade Good for Great

When life is good Is that enough? Is a great life within our reach or is it reserved for those with wealth and fame? What can we do to have a great life? 🤔 Let's discuss.

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Hello, this is Walking in Step with God, and I am Steve McDonald. 

What does it mean when we say life is good?  We all have responsibilities and obligations but we also all have things in life that are important to our wellbeing and mental health.  For some, financial security is important.  For others, creative expression, such as art or music, might be the thing that brings joy.  

When we say life is good, I think most of us would say it means we have little to worry about and the things that bring us joy are present in our lives. We may also say we are excited about our future goals and the journey to reach them.

What is a great life? What would you say is the difference between a good life and a great life?  I suspect the answer will be different for each individual.

As for me, when I take an inventory of my life at this moment, I can honestly say it is great and so much better than good. I can definitely recall a time in life when I felt life was good, but now it is nothing short of great.

Why do I say this? What is it about my life right now that makes it great instead of good? Here is a hint: It is my walk with God. 

One of the other things to consider is that there may be elements of a good life that are not compatible with the great life that can be had when we walk with God.  It may be tempting to think it is perfectly normal to have a good life now, knowing a lifestyle includes behaviors and activities that do not honor God.  It may be tempting to think that a good life is ‘good enough’.

My message to you today is simple. Don’t trade good for great. Why settle for a good life, knowing you are not aligned with God when you can have a great life that honors God?

In today’s message, let’s explore 3 ways we can make sure to  not trade good for great when we walk with God. 

Before we jump in, let’s take a quick break. I’ll be right back

Welcome back.  Let’s continue our discussion on 3 ways we can make sure to not trade good for great when we walk with God. 

#1 Trade fear for confidence

When life is good, we can be subject to more fear than necessary simply because we are subject to the randomness of the world.  The world is unpredictable, and as a result we are not in control – as much as we would like to think so.  Fear is only natural for the unseen and the unknown – not knowing what is around any corner, figuratively and physically, as we navigate the world.

When we live a life that honors God, we can trade fear for confidence.  We can know that God is with us and is constantly acting to keep us out of harm’s way.  When we devote our lives to God and live a life that honors Him, we have supernatural protection. We will all have moments of fear in life, but when we focus on God, we can live boldly, knowing that the creator of the universe is on our side.

#2 Trade uncertainty for assurance

When life is good, we will still face uncertainty in a way that can be very depleting and exhausting. When we live a life that does not honor God but still consider it good, we are navigating a world where we must make decisions that rely solely on our own understanding.

When we live a life that honors God, we can trade uncertainty for confidence, knowing that we have given the reigns of control from our hands to God’s hands. When God sees that we are turning to Him to guide our way, we can rest assured, knowing that we no longer need to live a life of uncertainty.  Instead, we can trust that God’s way is the best in every facet of our lives.

#3 Trade turmoil for peace

When life is good, the randomness of the world inevitably will bring pain and disappointment, discord, and strife. When we choose to live a life apart from God, we are subject to the full brunt of reality in a way that depletes us and can consume us emotionally.  Life may appear good on the outside, but turmoil can be a weight on our hearts and minds.

When we live a life that honors God, we can trade turmoil for peace because God and only God can provide peace in our hearts that defies understanding. We will all face turmoil and difficulty in life, but when we live a life that honors God, His presence is in our hearts and brings a level of peacefulness that cannot be shaken.

Wrap Up

Today we learned that we should not trade good for great. We learned that a good life may be good, but a life with God can be great.  We learned that when we walk with God, we can trade our fears for confidence, knowing that God is present in every facet of our lives and is protecting us from harm’s way. When harm has entered our midst, we can know that God is with us and will help us. We learned that we can trade uncertainty for assurance.  When we live a life that honors God, we can be assured that He is in control and will order our steps and orchestrate our plans in a way that is for our good.  We learned that we can trade turmoil for peace. When turmoil and strife enter our lives, God and only God can provide us with a level of peace that defies all human understanding. God’s presence in our hearts will bring a level of comfort, calm, and peace despite the difficulties that may have entered our lives. 

Don’t trade good for great.  Is your life good or great?  If it is good, know that it can be greater in a way that is only possible with God. Do you feel your life is great right now and you know your life does not honor God? I invite you to ask God to reveal to you what you are missing in your life that only He can provide that will redefine your meaning of great.

Are you interested in discovering more about the guidance offered in this message? Learn more in the companion article Going Deeper with the Word: Don’t Trade Good for Great


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