Topic - Hearing from God

Hearing from God is an important aspect of life for many, representing a connection with Him and guidance on life’s journey. Whether seeking clarity on personal decisions or a deeper understanding of God’s will, individuals who learn to hear from God can experience a greater sense of peace and purpose. Through prayer, meditation, and reflection, we can open ourselves up to God’s voice and receive insight into our lives. Discover how to strengthen your relationship with God and develop your ability to hear from him, gaining valuable wisdom and direction for your journey ahead.

Will He Say Yes, or No? Both Answers Are For Your Good.

When we bring a request to God, what do we really want to hear in response? Is β€˜Yes’ the only response we are willing to accept? Are we really ok with β€˜Yes’ or β€˜No’? If God responds with β€˜No’, is that for our own good? πŸ€” Let's discuss.

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Is Your Reality Fair?

Why do we experience suffering when we are trying to walk in step with God? Does God have a plan that includes allowing us to experience struggle? Is our reality fair when we are trying to live as God asks us to live, but our lives are filled with...

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