Going Deeper with the Word – Stand Up For What’s Right

How can we hold on to our faith amid unfair circumstances? How can we stand up for what’s right in situations where there is wrongdoing? 🤔 Let's discuss.

Welcome to “Going Deeper with the Word.” In this segment, we welcome people of all backgrounds, religious or not, to review the Word of God. The Word of God provides guidance, direction, and instructions for living our lives and walking with God. 

Today, we examine how God’s Word provides clear guidance and direction about standing up for what’s right.

Let’s review examples of God’s Word that can lead and guide our steps and back up the principles we learned in today’s message. I will be reading scripture today from the Amplified Bible.

Here is our first verse:

‭ Colossians 3:12 AMP

In this verse, we are reminded of the posture we should aim for as we walk out and about in the world. There are plenty of people who walk with a stance of greed, pride, and selfishness, but we are here to stand apart from the rest. 


Let us use our renewed hearts to help those who are in need. The need is great in so many ways across our communities, so when in doubt, let us turn to God and ask Him to lead and guide our steps to where there is a need.

When was the last time you helped someone or many others in need? Share your experience in the comments. 


Let’s have a look at another verse.

Never repay anyone evil for evil. Take thought for what is right and gracious and proper in the sight of everyone. If possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for God’s wrath [and His judicial righteousness]; for it is written [in Scripture], “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for by doing this you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good.

‭Romans 12:17-21 ‭AMP‬

This verse reveals an additional angle when it comes to responding to wrongdoing and unfairness. Paul reminds us that we should not repay evil for evil. He goes on to say that we should do whatever we can to live in peace with others – even if they are often at the root of wrongdoing. This is something I have had to do in my workplace and it is not easy, but with God’s help, we can have the strength and resolve to treat everyone with kindness.

Paul also shares something very important. The Lord has said He will repay evil – and – in the meantime, we should feed our enemy if they are hungry, and provide drink if they are thirsty. In essence, the Lord directs us to respond with kindness to those who do evil to us. I have experienced this before and I can tell you my acts of kindness in response to wrongdoing sent the perpetrator into a state of confusion. They didn’t understand why I was being kind – but it also gave them a glimpse of the light that is available to them as well.

Have you responded to wrongdoing with kindness in your family or workplace? What was the outcome?

Let’s look at one last verse.

I said in my heart, God will judge the righteous and the wicked, for there is a time for every matter and for every work.

Ecclesiastes 3:17 AMP

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In this verse, we are reminded that God is the one who should judge others who are performing acts of unfairness and wrongdoing. We can always approach God and ask Him to bring justice to those at the root of evil deeds. God can and will bring justice to those individuals in a way that we never could. This verse reminds us that when we make this request for justice, we should be patient and give it to God, for God’s timing and method of justice may not align with what we have in mind.

Have you recently asked God to bring justice upon someone who is performing acts of wrongdoing? Is it difficult or easy for you to ‘let it go’ once you have made this request?

As children of God, let us not sit idly by as wrongdoing and unfairness stand before us. We cannot respond to every situation, nor should we, but we should find a way to take a stand for what is right when and where we can. When in doubt, ask God for guidance on how to use His light within you to stand up for what’s right.

Thank you for your time in reviewing these verses with me today. Please be sure to share in the comments how these or other examples of God’s Word have helped you to stand up for what’s right.

Thank you for the opportunity to share encouragement. Here @walkinginstepwithGod we truly appreciate your support. We are fully committed to Christ and the community. We invite you to join us in fellowship and to seek opportunities for fellowship in your local community as well.


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