God is Preparing You and Your Path

Is our path in life really up to us? Do we really have any control as we pursue our hopes and dreams? Does walking with God have any effect on our personal growth or our goals in life? 🤔Let’s discuss.

Walking with God unlocks our true potential. He knows us better than we know ourselves, planting unique gifts within us. By surrendering to His will, we embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. God orchestrates events and opportunities aligned with our path, shedding hindering behaviors and revealing our true calling.

His faithfulness reinforces our trust, empowering us to anticipate His leading. Bring your dreams before Him, trust His meticulous preparation, and be amazed as He aligns your path with divine purpose. Embrace God’s preparation, and you will discover the profound impact you can make, fulfilling your purpose in this world.

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We are taught from a very young age to be prepared to fend for ourselves in this world. We are taught that if we want something in life we need to aim for it and pursue it. We are taught to pursue higher education to equip us with knowledge. We are taught to seek first-hand experience in the things that we hope to pursue in a career. Overall, we are taught that if we want to achieve something in life that is up to us to make it happen. 

God is Preparing You

Think about all the ways that we can prepare ourselves for our future. The list is almost endless. We can prepare ourselves for a career with education and training. We can prepare ourselves for a sport with training and practice.  We can even prepare ourselves for a new role in our families, such as parenting. There is an abundance of resources in the world to help us prepare for things that are important to us in our lives. 

As we go through life and we discover the things that are important to us we also discover the aspects of ourselves that are most compatible with our goals and even our dreams. For example, someone who has been an avid outdoor enthusiast since they were very young may find their passion for nature will lead them to a career in Ecology.  Someone who decides to pursue a career in ecology will likely pursue a college degree in environmental science. So there are many ways that we as a society can prepare ourselves for our current day-to-day life as well as our future.

How does Walking with God affect how we show up in the world and how we prepare for our future? God is the only one who knows you more than you know yourself. God already knows your strengths and your weaknesses. He knows the things that interest you and the things that disinterest you. He knows the things that are inclined to energize you and the things that are likely to deplete you. One of the things that’s very important for us to know is that God created all of us. In creating each and every one of us there are things that we become aware of on our own over the course of life but there are also things God has planted in us for us to discover. There are aspects of ourselves that God has planted in us as a seed, that if nourished can genuinely blossom into something that will reveal our greatest potential.

The most powerful thing we can do to have a full life is to walk with God and ask Him to lead and guide and prepare us according to His will. Yes, we can and should present to God our own pursuits, our own dreams, and our own desires.  When we bring our heart’s desires to God and ask Him to show us His will then we have an amazing opportunity for Him to reveal to us things within us that we may not be fully aware of their potential. Only God can show us the parts of ourselves that He knows can bring transformative change to our life and the world around us.

We can allow ourselves to be molded and prepared for His perfect plan for us by asking God to reveal His will for us. We can surrender to a posture of allowing Him to prepare us as he sees fit. In this posture of surrender, God will work with us at an intimate level to reveal the things that should be addressed in order for us to be prepared for His perfect plan for us. God will work with you closely and present you with situations in life that will reveal opportunities for adjustment. God will allow you to see the impact of your personality, your mannerisms, your language, and your habits that are getting in the way of the full potential that He has planted in you. In previous messages, I have shared some of these stories about myself where God allowed me to witness situations where choices I made were not compatible with the anointing He placed within me. I saw these things very clearly and I made adjustments in my behavior to ensure I maintained an attitude and mindset that welcomed the anointing and blessing He has bestowed on me.

God is Preparing Your Path

Once we have asked God to reveal His will for us; Once we have a better understanding of the area of our lives that we need adjustment; Once we can start to see how God is working with us to prepare us for His perfect plan for us, we can then begin to see how God prepares our path. God is the only one who can orchestrate events in your future to occur in such a way that is aligned perfectly with His perfect plan for you.  Along the way, our choices and behaviors will help to dictate how close we remain on track with His plans.

I have personally seen this time and time again when it comes to God using me to fellowship with others. I have seen time and time again where, unbeknownst to me I truly feel God has steered the path of someone to intersect with mine at a particular point in time in their life.

One of the things that God has prepared me to do personally is to be able to have fellowship and prayer with others. I believe that is something he planted in me and that I had no idea was within me until more recent years when I was more focused on having a strong walk with God. 

I believe God planted this gift in me from the very beginning but it lay dormant until I was prepared to use the gifts according to His plan for me. The gift was not revealed to me until I was able to understand the importance of my relationship with Him and the changes I needed to make in my life to be compatible with Walking in Step with God.  

Now I can see how God prepared me for this time of my life, for this very moment that I am sitting here sharing this message with you. I can also see that he is preparing my path ahead as well. Based on the fact that I have seen the evidence of His preparing my path to intersect with others in the last few years, I feel very confident that God is preparing the path for me and my future that very much involves this ministry.  I’m very confident to say that God has ordered steps for me and ordered steps for this ministry that are aligned with His perfect plan. I am very confident in saying that there are circumstances being planned in the future that will help to bring this ministry to every corner of the Earth. that is the desire I placed before Him and if it is His will then I know he will prepare the path accordingly.

One of the most amazing parts of walking with God is when you truly begin to understand how loving and patient God is to work with the areas in your life that need work in order to fully realize what He has in store for you. It’s also amazing when you start to see the evidence of things that you have no control over, yet are aligned and directed to intersect with your path unbeknownst to you. I believe that the closer you walk with God the more that you will see the way He prepares you for your path. He will allow you to see it so frequently that it will truly leave you amazed. In time, you actually begin to walk stronger in your faith knowing and anticipating God’s leading and preparing the way in front of you.

Wrap Up

We live in a world where there is an abundance of resources to help us prepare for things in life. in this message, we’ve talked about a number of ways that the world provides resources for both personal and career growth. We’ve touched on ways that aim to secure what is needed to pursue our goals. We’ve also learned that God can prepare a pathway for our lives that is a perfect plan for us. 

God can reveal to us parts of ourselves He planted within us to be the best version of ourselves. He will even know how to reveal gifts He planted in you over time when you are ready to receive them.  God can use us to bring light into the world in ways we could have never imagined. 

I encourage you today to bring your hopes and dreams and goals before God and ask Him to reveal to you His will for your life. Ask God to reveal to you the gifts that He’s planted in you that you may have yet to know.  Ask God to prepare you to use the gifts that He has planted in you to prepare you for His perfect plans for you. God will absolutely 100% hear your hopes and dreams, but in asking Him to reveal His will for you He can and will orchestrate a path for you that is best for you.  Trust God’s will for you. Trust God’s plan for you and prepare to be amazed.

Are you interested in discovering more about the guidance offered in this message? Learn more in the companion article Going Deeper with the Word – God is Preparing You and Your Path


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