Freedom in Surrender – Part 2 | 5 ways we experience captivity when turning away from God

What happens in life when we resist God? How can freedom turn into captivity when turning away from God? 🤔 Let's discuss!

In this second part of the “Freedom and Surrender” series, we explore the consequences of turning away from God. We share five ways that we can experience captivity in our lives when we resist God’s guidance and grace.

If you missed the 1st part of this series, be sure to read “Freedom and Surrender – Part 1 | 5 ways to experience freedom when you surrender to God”.

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Welcome to part 2 of our 2 part series, Freedom and Surrender. In my last video, I talked about five ways that we can live our lives in freedom when we surrender our hearts and minds and lives to God. Today I want to talk about something a little different, that when we turn ourselves away from God and that when we resist God, we can actually find ourselves in captivity.

5 ways we experience captivity when turning away from God

What do I mean by captivity? I simply mean that in turning away from God or simply ignoring that we can go to God, we might find ourselves in a situation where we’re experiencing suffering or pain or discomfort, and it’s not necessary to do so. As it turns out, God is very patient with us and He is happy to wait while we experience life and the world thinking that we have everything under control. Thinking that we can control things, thinking that we can sort out any situation or problem on our own. He’s happy to wait for us before we decide to turn back to Him and when we do, He’s there with grace.

So now let’s dive into the five ways I think that we can experience captivity in our lives when we resist and turn away from God.

#1 Living in fear

#1, Living in fear. There is so much to fear in the world today. When we leave God out of our fears, anxiety and stress can run rampant. We can become paralyzed. When it comes to facing day-to-day challenges, we may very well steer ourselves away from a door that God has opened for us to grow and prosper merely out of fear and anxiety.

#2 Living in bondage

#2, Living in bondage. Bondage, and by that I mostly mean addiction, has the ability to change our brains and destroy our lives. When our brains change, it can become exponentially more difficult to resist the wiring and the chemistry that our addiction has created. When we leave God out of the struggle of addiction, we increase our suffering and hasten our recovery the longer we remain in addiction the greater the possibility of damage done to our mind and our body.

#3 Living in strife

#3, Living in strife. Conflict cannot be completely avoided in our lives. When we resist God we become more captive to our own reasoning and our emotions. Without God, peace in our heart and mind escapes us. Without peace, strife and explosive conflict can become inevitable when faced with challenges and confrontations with others.

#4 Living in lack

#4. Living in lack. There are a number of ways that we can live in lack financially, emotionally, professionally. When we resist God supplying all of our needs, we may disrupt blessings and provisions God has designed for us.

We may inadvertently keep ourselves from better emotional, physical and even mental health. Without trusting God for provision, we may find ourselves in circumstances outside of our control that may lead to suffering.

#5 Living in pain

#5, Living in pain. Now, of course, we can experience pain in a number of ways, including emotional and physical pain.

When we resist turning to God for healing and for comfort, we may find ourselves suffering more intensely and longer than needed. While God may not completely remove every pain that we experience, turning away from Him in times of pain and discomfort we may find ourselves poorly equipped to endure and to cope, we may find that healing escapes us or is delayed unnecessarily.

In this video, we’ve talked about five ways that we can live in captivity when we turn away from and resist God.

I invite you to consider the transformation that can occur in your life when you decide to surrender your life to God. Surrendering your hopes and dreams as well as the worries and concerns ensures that you will be guided by the Father to a path that is most ideal for your life and your day to day circumstances.


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