Find Quiet Time With God

There is power in prayer, but what is the value of quiet time with God? 🤔 Let's discuss.

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Hello, welcome to Walking in Step with God. I am Steve McDonald. Today we explore the topic “Find Quiet Time With God” as we continue in our new series “Grow Deeper in Faith”. As we have discussed many times, prayer is a fundamental part of our walk with God. In the first segment of our series, we explored the importance of prayer and learned several ways to make prayer a part of our lives day to day. While prayer and praise are important, I also believe that quiet time with God is very important. During our quiet time with God, we can position ourselves to be aware of and experience His presence. During quiet time with God, we can ready ourselves to be in the best possible posture to receive divine instruction and direction.

There is a song I am fond of called ‘Quiet’ by the artist Elevation Rhythm. In the track, there are the lyrics, “I’ll just be quiet and let You speak through the silence.” As someone who experienced this firsthand, I agree with the lyrics wholeheartedly. 

When we can find the space and time to have stillness with God, we create an environment for God to interact and interface with us in a powerful way.

In today’s message, let’s explore 3 places that we can create quiet time with God. Let’s find out how we can integrate quiet time with God into our lives, every day of our lives.

Before we dive in, why don’t we take a quick break? I will be right back.

Welcome back. Let’s continue in our discussion of 3 places to create quiet time with God.

#1 Quiet time in nature

I think the most powerful place to create quiet time with God is in nature. When we recognize that all of nature is created by God, what better place is there to be one with Him and be still with Him?

Is there a trail nearby where you can take a walk or a run, or even just sit to take in all of the scenery around you? Is there a park nearby that you enjoy? 

Maybe you enjoy the mountains, or the ocean or the desert. All of these places are created by God and are a perfect place to have quiet time with Him.

For me, personally, I have enjoyed sitting in silence next to the roaring waves on the rugged coastline of California. The sound of the waves on the rocks is loud. It is by no means a quiet place, but there is quiet and silence in my mind, so it is truly quiet time with God. 

Wherever your special place is in nature, take the time to find quiet time with the Creator of all things. 

#2 Quiet time at home

Quiet time with God in your home is typically the easiest and most convenient way to set aside time with Him. In your own home, you can create the space and the time to have your one-on-one time. Typically, our home is the only place that we can control the environment, creating an actual quiet space that is relaxing and suitable for us to be still with God.

For me, quiet time at home is done shortly after I wake up every day. I found that it was important to me to have about 25 minutes of quiet time before I start any activities that are interfacing with others. In other words, my quiet time with God at home is done before emails, text messages and phone calls. As it turns out, I get up the earliest in my household, so my quiet time with God is even before interaction with others in my family. For me, this makes quiet time with God very intimate and personal.

If you don’t already, I highly recommend setting aside the time and space in your home to have quiet time with God.

#3 Quiet time at work or school

Today we have touched on quiet time at home and in nature. What about when we are out and about in the world? Most of us have a place of employment or maybe attend some form of school or college for most of our day.

I want to encourage you to consider that in both of these situations, we can still make quiet time for God. Even if we are at school or work, we can still benefit from making space for stillness with God. In the workplace, perhaps you can find a private space to go during a work or lunch break. In school, perhaps there is a study room where you can take a few moments to have stillness with God in between classes.

If you find it difficult to make quiet time with God in nature or in the home, find a way to make quiet time with God part of your work or school day. Even if for a few minutes, God rewards those who are faithful in prioritizing time with Him.

Wrap Up

In today’s message, we explored the importance of having quiet time with God. We also discussed 3 places where we can create the time and space for quiet time with Him. We reflected on the opportunity to have quiet time as we immerse ourselves in God’s creation. We learned that our home is an excellent place to create a specific space and time for quiet time. Lastly, we discussed the idea that we can even create opportunities for quiet time with God in our workplaces or schools.

Quiet time with God is a fundamental aspect of our walk with Him. It is time that allows us to sense and experience His presence and be most receptive to His instruction and guidance.

Are you interested in discovering more about the guidance offered in this message? Learn more in the companion article Going Deeper with the Word: Find Quiet Time With God


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