Is our path in life really up to us? Do we really have any control as we pursue our hopes and dreams? Does walking with God have any effect on our personal growth or our goals in life? 🤔Let’s discuss.
Topic - Patience with God
Patience with God is a virtue that can bring inner peace, resilience, and a deeper sense of faith. Developing patience with God can be a transformative journey that helps individuals find meaning and purpose in their lives by learning to trust God while waiting.
When we bring something to God, how can we know that He will act? Does God hear us with the big things and the small things? What should we do when we are fighting doubt about God? 🤔Let’s discuss.
How can we be a light to the world? How can we ask God to equip us to be a light to others? How can God’s light shine through us? 🤔Let’s discuss!
How can we be a light to the world? How can we set ourselves apart from how the world acts in times of adversity. How do we rise above the temptation of vengeance? 🤔Let’s discuss!
How can we be a light to the world? How can we be a source of light to someone in need? How can God use us to bring help to others? 🤔Let’s discuss!