Going Deeper with the Word – Finding faith

How do we find our faith? What does it mean to have the will and the strength to have faith? 🤔 Let's discuss.

Welcome to “Going Deeper with the Word.” In this segment, we welcome people of all backgrounds, religious or not, to review with me the Word of God.  The Word of God provides guidance, direction, and instructions for living our lives and walking with God.  

Today, we examine how God’s Word provides clear guidance and direction about faith.

Let’s review examples of God’s Word that can lead and guide our steps and back up the principles we learned in today’s message. I will be reading scripture today from the Amplified Bible. 

Here is our first verse:

Matthew 21:22 AMP

In this verse, Jesus Christ makes it very clear that if we can find ourselves in a posture of -believing-  as we ask, then we will receive.  Our walk in faith should keep this verse in the front of our mind through any circumstances so that we can place our trust in the Lord and know that what we ask, we will receive. 

I want to add something here.  Sometimes we don’t know what is best for us. Sometimes we don’t realize that what we ask for would bring us harm. We may even ask for something that is not of God’s will.  Part of our faith is knowing that if we ask something that the Lord knows is not best for us, we can trust Him to guide us appropriately to what -His- will is for our request.   This is why I always say to always ask that His will be done in your prayers.  The sooner we understand this fundamental fact, the sooner we can realize the perfect plans God has in store for each of us.

Let’s have a look at another verse.

“For with God nothing [is or ever] shall be impossible.”

Luke 1:37 AMP

This is another fundamental verse of having faith.  Trusting and knowing that there is no circumstance, no situation, no level of difficulty that is impossible for God.  There is no complexity or challenge that is too messy for God.  No individual is out of the reach of God. 

When we bring our petitions before God, we can trust and know that God can deal with any situation – no matter how small or how large.

Let’s look at one last verse.

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart

And do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,

And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].

Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP

This verse echoes what I mentioned a moment ago but from a different perspective.  It is so important in our faith that we recognize our understanding and knowledge of a situation is so limited compared to God’s view.  We can be in a situation where we think we know all there is to know, but my friends, this is naive.  God has the insight and understanding of all aspects of every angle of every nuance related to the circumstances we bring to Him. 

If we can just find a posture to understand that God has a plan that is best for us, we can lean into the fact that God should be consulted –before- all things.  We would understand that instead of fretting and worrying about a situation, that we can bring it straight to God and ask for His intervention and direction. 

I invite you once again today to ask God to guide you in your faith.  If you are new to the idea of faith, open a dialog with God and ask Him to show you the way.  If you are already strong in your faith, then you also know there is no limit to what God can do for you and with you, so take a moment to thank Him for all that He has done and ask Him to continue to use you as He sees fit. Either way, let our faith serve as the bedrock for the remainder of our lives.

Thank you for your time in reviewing these verses with me today.

Thank you for the opportunity to share encouragement. Here @walkinginstepwithGod we truly appreciate your support.  We are fully committed to Christ and the community.  We invite you to join us in fellowship and to seek opportunities for fellowship in your local community as well.


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