How can we be a light to the world? How can we ask God to equip us to be a light to others? How can God’s light shine through us? 🤔Let’s discuss!
Topic - Pride and humility
Pride and humility are two fundamental concepts that play a significant role in faith and personal development. Pride can lead to arrogance and a sense of entitlement, while humility allows individuals to acknowledge their limitations and value the contributions of others. Understanding the relationship between pride and humility can be transformative, leading to greater self-awareness, compassion, and personal growth. In many faiths, humility is considered a virtue, and individuals are encouraged to cultivate it through spiritual practice and service to others. Discover practical tips and insights on how to embrace humility and overcome pride through faith and personal development.
How can we be a light to the world? How can we serve others by caring for ourselves? Does our lifestyle have any correlation with how we can show up for others? 🤔Let’s discuss!
How can we be a light to the world? How can we set ourselves apart from how the world acts in times of adversity. How do we rise above the temptation of vengeance? 🤔Let’s discuss!
How can we be a light to the world? How can we be a source of light to someone in need? How can God use us to bring help to others? 🤔Let’s discuss!
How can we be a light to the world? Is there value in being a gift to others? How can selflessness bring joy into our lives? 🤔Let’s discuss!