A Closer Walk: What Does it Mean to Live by Faith, Not Fear?

We’re confident you’ve heard that faith means “to walk by faith and not by sight,” but what does that entail? In other words, it means to live in a way that shows we confidently believe in God’s promises because it pleases Him. In comparison, to live in fear is to be in constant worry or fear, whether living in the past or the future.

Living by Faith

When we put our faith in God, we believe that He exists and in His promises for our lives. It is choosing to remain steadfast in His love, despite suffering. God hopes that, as His people, we will trust He knows what He is doing and accept what will be—even when all feels out of control. We should avoid being proud by making our plans or overthinking because these are unholy and lead only to destruction and anxiety. A follower of God or not, we can all identify with being fearful, but let us be reminded that God’s glory will prevail no matter what.

Living in Fear

It’s possible to be living in fear and not realize it. It’s not always being afraid of people or physical circumstances, but it can progress into a state of mind if allowed access. Fear can manifest in many different ways. Here are some points to ponder below:

  • Sickness
  • Unable to take risks
  • Unable to speak up
  • You are controlling
  • Procrastination 
  • Perfectionist

Though these traits may seem extreme, they are signs that we lack courage, boldness, confidence, and trust in God. And not having faith in God makes us cowardly and unbelieving, which He warns us against. It’s important to know that His thoughts are above our thoughts so that He knows things that we don’t, things that are best for us beyond our understanding. While God calls us not to be anxious about anything, thankfully, we have a lasting hope that His peace will forever protect our hearts and minds.

Putting Faith into Action

Our faith to believe is limited by our pride in thinking we are more capable than God to handle our circumstances. When we choose to walk in faith instead of fear, we reap the benefits of living righteously, now and in the afterlife. Understanding that faith = patience and fear = anxiety, we can reflect on our mindsets during trying times to see if we are aligning ourselves according to God’s will. When we recognize we have strayed from His course, we can adjust as needed.

If you can relate to living in fear and feel like God is not moving in your life, it’s because you are standing in His way.

Going Deeper With the Word

The best way to live by faith is to submerge yourself in the Word of God. God’s Truth brings direction and encouragement when we fall into despair. Consider the book of Habakkuk. Within the conversation between God and Habakkuk, we learn that God wants to punish the Jews for their sinful nature. Although this took Habakkuk aback, he put his feelings of confusion and doubt down and accepted that God had a master plan that would bring everything into order again. 

Scripture says God explains to him that the Babylonians are proud enemies and that “the just shall live by faith.” Their disobedience suggests that His people are to believe in Him, and they will be saved through that.

Other scriptures highlighting the importance of walking by faith are John 6:35, John 3:16-17, Romans 12:2, James 1:3, and Matthew 6:34.


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