Going Deeper with the Word – God is in the Room

How do we know if God is with us? Is faith alone enough when we are in fear or all alone? How can we know if God is in the room? 🤔Let’s discuss.

Welcome to “Going Deeper with the Word”.  In this segment, we welcome people of all backgrounds, religious or not, to review with me the Word of God, considered to provide guidance, direction, and instructions for living our lives with God.  

As someone who has studied the Bible, I would like to focus this segment on sharing verses from the Amplified Bible.  Let’s review examples of verses that can lead and guide our steps and back up the principles we learned in the message ‘God is in the Room‘.   

There are many examples throughout the Word of God that guide and instruct us to know that God is with us.  

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified or dismayed (intimidated), for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:19 – AMP Bible

In this verse we find God speaking to the prophet Joshua, upon receiving instructions to take over leadership following the passing of the prophet Moses.  This verse reinforces the idea that despite our ‘assignment’ in life, God has assured us of His presence and that He will be with us, with you wherever we go.  Just as the verse explains, we can have confidence in God’s direction and we should not feel intimidated by the opportunities that face us if we are ensuring we are seeking God’s will in the process.

“For I the Lord your God keep hold of your right hand; [I am the Lord],Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’”

Isaiah 41:13 – AMP Bible

In this verse, we see the prophet Isaiah speaking to Israel on behalf of God. Notice the reference to identifying with what we often see in society as a symbol of security, a parent holding a child’s hand.  God wants us to know that we are secure with Him and need not fear.

Let’s look at one more verse about why we should know God is with us, in the room.

Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence?

Psalms 139:7 – AMP Bible

In this verse, a Psalm of King David, we hear David crying out to God in full confidence that there is no place that can be found where God is not near Him.  We cannot flee from God’s presence.  We cannot hide from His watchful eye.  We cannot escape His hand.

God is in the room with you and me.  It can become easy to forget this in the midst of circumstances in front of us, but let us keep God in our hearts, knowing and longing for Him.  Let us walk through our day knowing that God’s watchful eye is upon us in all circumstances.


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