We want to see people from all over the world from every language, tongue, and background know the power of walking more closely with God.
And to do that, we need YOU!
We need your help to make this a place where we have a thriving community of like-minded people who want to ask hard questions and discuss what it means to walk in step with God in our real and messy lives.
There are four ways you can help this community grow and thrive:
Share a Prayer
We have a Prayer Wall for you to share a prayer with the community, ask for prayer, and pray for others through their posted prayer request. See the power of prayer in real-time with people across the globe.
Join the Discussion
We have a community page dedicated to discussing the truths shared on the weekly podcasts and videos.
- Is there something you agree with?
- Something you disagree with?
- Something you would like classification on?
- Would you like to expand the conversation?
Share your Story
YOUR story matters! We want to hear from you about how this ministry is impacting your life.
As we share our experiences and strength with others, it allows them the opportunity to connect and become a part of something bigger than themselves.
When you share your story of impact, YOU give others hope in their journey with God.
We cannot build a community without people.
And we cannot continue to grow without financial support.
By standing alongside us and behind us, you make it possible for us to gather the resources we need to produce consistent quality content that reaches people worldwide. We need the financial support of like-minded people who want to see others walking in step with God.
We are a non-profit organization that relies on the gifts of others to make our ministry run. All support given flows directly into the operations and expansion of this ministry.